Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why some people changed bila dah berpangkat sikit?

       Seriously, aku benci giler  when someone berubah bila diorang dah berpangkat.X kisahlah pangkat apa,but dlm kes aku ni pangkat tu adalah pengawas or anjing. Aku ada sorang kawan ni, since form one sampai form three dia bedmate aku.Antara semua ahli dorm aku tu aku rasa dialah yang paling rapat dengan aku.

       Tapi malangnya this year dia jadi prefect and as expected seperti apa yg telah terjadi kepada kwn2 aku yg dah jadi prefect sebelum ni,dia dah berubah 100%.Cakap dengan aku pun jarang2 dah sekarang.Cara jalan pun dah lain,'apa ko ingat ko megah sangat ke bila dah jadi prefect tu hah?'Aku sendiri pun dah naik meluat dengan dia.Bagi aku prefect tu just sekadar pangkat je,sebab honestly cakap prefect kat sekolah aku sekarang nih bukannya buat kerja sangat pun.Setakat jadi emcee,baca doa masa assembly aku pun bolehlah.So,x payahlah nak berlagak sangat!

      Actually,ramai lagi kwn aku yg dah berubah since jadi prefect,tapi aku fokuskan kat dia sebab dia yg paling obvious berubah.Lagi satu dia kan bedmate aku(dulu),so aku macam terkilan sikitlah dengan apa yg dah jadi dengan dia.

      Satu lagi tabiat prefect kat sekolah aku yg aku menyampah giler ialah diorang ni suka buat clique sesama diorang.mana2 pun nak sama2 je.Tu yang suma students anti diorang ni sampai dapat gelaran yg x sedap didengar telinga,ANJING!

        So,aku harap semua prefect2 di luar sana boleh ambil iktibar daripada apa yg aku tulis ni.Kalau korang berlagak, korang x akan dapat apa-apa selain dibenci oleh semua pelajar lain.Just be nice!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My top reading list.

1.Dear john

      Seriously,this novel is a must-read!It has been adapted into a movie.It was released last year.I had watched the movie and it's great too!Before reading this novel,i never read the same novel twice,coz for me it's kind of boring.Even though,i have read this novel many times,i never felt boring.So readers,this novel is highly rocommended for your reading pleasure.Five out of five stars.

2.Pergilah Air Mata.

      This is a Malay novel,and i really love reading this novel.I think the title is really suits this novel,coz it really make me wanna cry when i'm reading it.Plus,the language used by the writer is impressive.So this novel also gained five out of five stars from me.


      Firsly,i want to tell you that this is a malay novel.Reason why  i love this novel is the language used is,what we call it?yes,relax.With a great storyline,and some jokes added.This novel will make you laugh a lot.4 stars for this novel.

4.Eat Pray Love.

       Based on the true writer of this novel,Elizabeth Gilbert's journey across the 'i' country which are italy,India and Indonesia in search for everything,this novel will surely make the readers feel like they are travelling too.And the most important thing is,You will gained a lot of knowledge from these three 'i' countries by reading this novel.4 stars.

5.And the last but not least,Versus.

      This novel tells a story about how a teen skateboarder turns his life 360 degree.This novel really suitable for  those who want to return to the right path.4 stars also!

       So those are five of my favourite novels,i hope you can have some time reading any of these novels coz they are very interesting in many ways.